Championing Climate Action: A Milestone Year

Together with Sofie Junge Pedersen, Common Goal, and over 45 players, we launched the largest-ever  player-led environmental campaign during the Women's World Cup. This historic project not only showcased the power of collaboration but also earned Sofie Junge Pedersen the Marcus Rashford Award at the World Football Summit.

Sofie was also among the nominees for the BBC Green Sport Awards alongside another FFF Champion, David Wheeler. A testament to the impact of those we work with and their  commitment to sustainable initiatives within the sports community.

At the heart of our success is a shared commitment to leveraging the influential platform of sports to address pressing environmental issues. The recognition garnered at both the World Football Summit and the BBC Green Sport Awards serves as a testament to the effectiveness of player-led initiatives in driving meaningful change.

We want to celebrate not only the accolades received but the lasting impact of our collective efforts in advancing climate action within the world of football. The journey doesn't end here, as we continue to harness the passion and influence of players to champion sustainability, leaving an indelible mark on the intersection of sports and environmental stewardship.


Joining forces with The Premier League Charitable Fund to "Protect the Planet"


Environment doesn't make the cut for Independent Football Regulator